1Is it normal to be exhausted during pregnancy?
This is totally normal, especially during the first trimester. Your body is going through so many changes and pregnancy puts a strain on your entire body. Hormonal changes, such as a dramatic rise in progesterone, can also be contributing to your feeling of being tired. If you’re nauseated or vomiting and/or having trouble sleeping at night, those can also contribute to fatigue.
2Are deli meats safe to eat?
Yes, they are. Even though most online references say you should boil them or microwave them to kill bacteria, our physicians say that there is no harm in eating deli meats.
3Is it ok to continue my exercise routine?
It is safe to continue to do the same workouts you’re used to as long as your doctor approves it. Eating well and exercising should always be a general part of overall health and it’s also a great way to stay healthy and fit during your pregnancy. Horseback riding, downhill skiing, and mountain biking are exercises to avoid because there are always risk factors you may not be able to control. As always, talk to your doctor before starting any exercise program.
4How can I sleep more comfortably?
Always make sure you’re not sleeping on your back. When you lie on your back, your uterus may put pressure on your vena cava – a large blood vessel that runs up your back returning blood to your heart. This may make you feel dizzy and faint, and may reduce the flow of blood to your baby. Lying on your side with your knees bent is likely to be the most comfortable position as your pregnancy progresses. Try placing a pillow between your legs for added support.